Gone Country Dogs Blog

Category: Health & Wellness

Spotteds’ spots make him itchy

So by now you know, our boy Hercules has allergy issues to boot! So much so, I joke around that Spotteds’ spots make him itchy. I don’t know about you, but all of our animals have their names and then they have their nicknames. Lol So Hercules’ nickname is Spotted, because of all his spots. …


Our middle child Hercules, has really bad allergies. We have tired so many foods, shampoos, lotions and of course, medications. All seem like they are going to give him relief only to leave us in the same spot we started in. At this rate I wished we tested him to see what he is allergic …

Cytopoint, miracle drug?

Before you jump on the train of a new drug, make sure you have exhausted all other options. You want to try other non-invasive methods, before diving into medications that your beloved dog could possibly be on long term. As for how we got here, (well, that isn’t really the point of this particular story. …