Our middle child Hercules, has really bad allergies. We have tired so many foods, shampoos, lotions and of course, medications. All seem like they are going to give him relief only to leave us in the same spot we started in. At this rate I wished we tested him to see what he is allergic too. With spending so much in everything we’ve done we are trying other things and hoping something will stick.

I have been contemplating making his food for some time now. I know since he is basically just over 60 pounds he is going to be expensive to cook for. But Once I found Azestfor I really wanted to give it a try. They even have recipes on their site to take out all the guesswork of what time make and if he’s getting enough of what he needs.
I started with a chicken recipe as he has been on raw chicken before with no problems. The chicken and rice recipe seemed easy enough and would last a few days. That it did only 3 days to be exact! So I was going to the store a few times a week and making big batch of chicken and rice. No need to freeze it has in a few days it would be gone and I would be at the beginning of the process again.
It didn’t seem like it was helping at all. So I changed to the beef, quinoa and broccoli recipe. This recipe lasted a day longer but was slighting a little more of a pain to make. I had done this for two more weeks. Plus adding in fish oil and benadryl.
Seeing only a slight change in his allergy level and at $15.00 twice a week on food and the time it takes to make it. I decided it wasn’t worth all the energy I was putting in. Now of course, you could say I should have waited longer to see if it truly gave us better results. I just don’t have that kind of money to feed one dog, while we have 2 others plus other animals and a family to feed.
Have you tried Azestfor? What were your results? See what we are trying now with Hercule’s allergies!